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Johnny You
Today 1:39 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,439 posts
TwoIfByTea » Today, 9:27 am » wrote: Dont mess with fetanyl my kid died bought some pills dead took them dead as a doornail and the Cops thought for a second that I killed him because his girlfriend told the cops we were arguing screaming at eachother but the autopsy came back overdose and that was that.

i wish that I had something better say to my son but I just wanted him chip in maybe pay little rent or help out around here like cut the grass letting ya stay here almost for free

These day a I stick to booze and smoke a little weed once in awhile.

I dont mess with crack or the hard stuff anymore.
Man my apologies for not reading your message more closely before my precious reply. Karl, my sincerest condolences on your loss and the difficult times in the aftermath of the loss of your child.

You are now in my circle.  I don't know if 16 is enough fingers.  

I did the cocaine thing in the 80s and dabbled a few times in later years. Never did pills.  Once the fentanyl hit I shunned any white powder.

I learned about the Bezos test kits because Phish came to do a concert in Dover. The police pleaded with the followers to stay sober. Someone mentioned the test kits in conversation on the police's fecesbook page. I guess parents should let their kids know the tech exists.  But they don't even want to share the crystal ball on condoms in Missourri
Updated 1 minute ago
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