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Johnny You
2 Mar 2025 9:18 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
926 posts
nefarious101 » Today, 8:44 am » wrote: Again...It takes more than opinion to create a fact.  You only spew opinion...which are talking points, nothing more.

You're a member of the low information crowd....talking points rather than facts, gender and sexual confusion, *** and disease spreading and mental issues are inserted into your head in the name of pedo-Progressive government education.

But all that is in the past now....you will need to know how to live in the real world...no more participation trophies and no more being allowed to be a burden that society has to support.

In other words....better learn to be white the best you can
What facts do I not share?  Trump and Putin have secret meetings all the time. He has said they have been friends a long time. He has said he is not going to tell us anything about their communications  I guess you think they just talk about baseball and shyt.
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