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Johnny You
Today 3:49 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*GHETTOBLASTER » 16 minutes ago » wrote:  You look so poorly educated....it is spelled *privilege* not *priveledge.
What a total load of unintelligible gibberish from you again.

****** walked the face of the Earth as the first humans for 100,000 years BEFORE the other races eventually evolved / emerged from the negro.
So in other words I just easily debunked another weak "WHITE GUILT 101" excuse from you.....

100,000 years as the only humans should have been enough time for the negro to advance on their own into the modern world...but it didn't work out that way.
If no other races ever emerged from the negro there is no evidence that the negro would have ever progressed out of the Stone Age on their own.
Read and weep you totally brainwashed POS.....List of people considered father or mother of a scientific field - Wikipedia

m1sp3ll en0 p4007ing w3rd @nd ya flip.  childish english professor .   I didnt capitialize ingles on porpoise.  You and RFK might be able to have a threesome with one.

Can you change what happened 10,000 years ago?  
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