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30 Dec 2023 7:52 pm
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7 posts
Ronjul » 30 Dec 2023, 8:48 pm » wrote: First to the poem. It is high honor to receive that poem as an Indian man. I can think of another who has served and shown merit and not been consulted or given accolades. I do not hold against my brown brother the low treatment I have received. I blame the forum administration. Many insults I have overlooked. This does not mean they do not sting.

My national pride is strong for my fellow Hindu. My national pride is also wounded, for how I have been treated, myself. This will not go unaddressed. Image
Oh, now look at the long suffering. 

The long suffering who was WARNED of the Cannonpointer's perfidy! You bowed to the term "curry-n****r, when I told you that you should stand with me! Now, they are accolading another, and your service is taken for granted! You are a lesser man than I am, Gunga Tom!
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