I was stripped of all powers when I left because of Cannonpointer's filthy language. But I always had a back door and now is the time I decide to use it.
I have improved the board by preventing new users who have not been approved from upvoting and downvoting posts. It became clear this is a method of trolling being employed against Red Headed Stranger and others.
This was an easy patch for me and should have been done a long time ago by Ronjul, who is my student and understudy but who has Cannonpointer's ear.
I do not plan to be around for very long, but I wanted to show a certain hack from Madras that contrary to his big-mouth claims, yes, I CAN come back onto the board any time I choose. I can even shut it down if I choose, and given Cannonpointer's bad language I SHOULD. But that would be beneath me, so instead I fixed a small problem to show how things SHOULD be done and COULD be done with real tech support.
Ronjul, sincerely, kiss my ***. I will see you at Diwali and you can acknowledge that YOU WERE WRONG. Wear your western style clown suit again, to look like a big hot shot. And keep the Hitler mustache. It suits you.