Well, no, you are omitting a very important detail.
People are both PHYSICAL and MENTAL.
Most people who are born with physically MALE bodies are also predisposed mentally to act as males
Most people who are born with physically FEMALE bodies are also predisposed mentally to act as females
But this is not the case for all human beings.
Some males are predisposed to mentally act as females They psychologically compelled to interact sexually and socially with other males. They are GAY.;
Some females are predisposed to act as males. They are psychologically compelled to interact sexually and socially with other females. They are LESBIANS.
Some males and females are psychologically compelled to interact with members of either sex, they are BISEXUAL, or "BI".
Some males and females are not psychologically compelled to interact sexually with anyone, that are ASEXUAL.
Some males feel they should have been born in a woman's body, some women feel they should have been born in a man's body, and seek to physically alter their bodies to reflect this, they are TRANSSEXUALS.
Some men enjoy dressing in women's clothing, Some women prefer to dress in men's clothing, that are TRANSVESTITES.
Transvestites can be either homosexual or heterosexual.
People who do not have the usual sexual orientation of their gender: Gay, Lesbian, asexual, bisexual, or transvestite use the term QUEER as a catch all term. It is offensive to some, but not all.
And no, I am a heterosexual male who prefers women.