Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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jerrab » 06 Apr 2022, 3:47 pm » wrote: ↑
no knocks to any religion, but the way Christ had it you come back with a clean slate.
if you are born then that is a chance to improve yourself.
The official Christians doctrine states that when you die, you remain dead until Jesus comes back.
When Jesus returns, all the people who have ever lived will be reincarnated and rise form the dead, and then will be judged by Jesus, who will send the bad ones to Hell and rule benevolently over all the reincarnated blessed people for a thousand years.
After a thousand years, all will ascend to Heaven forever and the Earth will be turned over to Satan.
This is described quite well in the Book of Revelation, which most Christians have never actually accepted as an accurate description of what happens when you die.
Most believe that at the moment of death, the soul leaves the body and ascends to the Pearly Gates of Heaven where St Peter admits or rejects the soul. This has been illustrated in many a Loony Toons cartoon and described in many more serious films. The whole idea of having to remain in a sort of slumber until Jesus returns is unappealing to most American Christians. And of course, what is described in the Book of Revelation does not agree with the writings of Paul, who does not seem to be familiar with said book.
If you disagree with me, read the Book of Revelation. I am not making anything up. Read the Apostles' Creed as well, which seems to agree with the Book of Revelation.