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3 Feb 2022 3:46 pm
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The idea that Socialists want free stuff is the great lie of capitalism.
What Socialists want is for the fruits of the people's labor to be distributed equitably, rather than allowing ten old men to hoard half of the planet's wealth and control over half of its assets.

Under Capitalism, food is not produced to feed people. It is produced to make a profit.
When it is unprofitable to feed people, they are allowed to starve.

Even when our labor has conquered scarcity, capitalism must manufacture it to justify the existence of the capitalist system.

Poverty exists, not because we cannot feed the poor, but because we cannot satisfy the rich.

Capitalism is a useful tool for establishing the means to create needed products and to encourage innovation and competition. But the capitalists despise competition and will always seek to have a monopoly. A major role of government is to encourage competition and prevent monopolization.

2 Nominations

SJConspirator Feb 02, 2022, Cannonpointer Feb 02, 2022

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