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1 Aug 2016 7:13 pm
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16,072 posts
Misty » 01 Aug 2016 7:09 pm » wrote:
Looks like this one is sticking a little more than they'd like, and they are getting criticism from both sides.
The scampaign is scrambling now.

Here's what your **** Convention really did.

Marine Chris Mark to you fakes on the left...

"I am troubled that you would allow a party that has little more than contempt for the US Service Member to parade you into the DNC to denounce Donald Trump. Did you watch when protesters at the DNC booed and heckled Medal of Honor recipient Capt. Florent Groberg? Did you notice your party interrupting the moment of silence for slain police officers? Your own hypocrisy in not denouncing these acts and instead using the DNC as a platform to make a political point is disgraceful. [...] Your condemnation of one person for a statement while standing idly as your party disparages veterans and police officers is the height of hypocrisy."
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