Huey » 11 Nov 2016 12:16 pm » wrote:
The presidential election was not designed to follow true democratic principles. It was designed to protect the interest of states, particularly the smaller states. It was designed from keeping states like CA, NY, PA, etc from forcing their will on the other states. It also gives the smaller states a voice in the election.
It works well. If we did not have the electoral college a relative few states would be driving the policy for the rest. Remember, this country was set up as a REPUBLIC. All of the programs you like were supposed to be driven at the STATE LEVEL. The federal government was supposed to protect basic rights, protect the union, protect both intrastate and foreign commerce. And defend the republic.
You need to do some sudying Princess.
The left claims they want to protect the minority groups...the electoral college does exactly that.
Unlike Hillary and Obama, the Trump Admin won't be a series of patronizing platitudes.
"a flat, dull, or trite remark, especially one uttered as if it were fresh or profound"