roadkill » 15 Nov 2016 12:02 pm » wrote:
Please forgive me...but you're a **** idiot if you think those kids came to an emotional understanding of the election without being prompted by their elders.
Kids and students all over the country have been indoctrinated into being very mean to kids that think Trump is OK.
I've seen several videos of young kids and students crying like they have been put through hell...they are encouraged to behave the same way the leftist teachers and pundits behave.
I just read an article where a professor at a women's college said the election was the worst thing since 9/11...a young lady disagree and said it was disrespectful to the 9/11 victims and her professor kicked her out of class...this kind of **** is going on all around.
Trump isn't the one hurting these's the irresponsible adults in their lives that are doing it.
No, I'm not blind like you are. Where was the giant filter all American children had in place in a world where everything
TRUMP SAID was going was all over the news, all over social media, all included in his messages? I hated Clinton's
ad where she has small kids listening and watching Trump on tv. YOU NOR I should deny the consequences of what
was said..words and images have meaning.