Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
17 posts
Preparing for a possible breakdown in the legal/social/economic order is just common sense.
AARGuy's list is a good starting point. And there are dozens of 'prepper' sites with useful advice,
and lists of items you ought to have available.
But ... the next step after you've begun to prepare, is to try to form, or join, a group of like-minded
people in your area.
A group of a dozen people who have organized themselves -- who can communicate with each
other even if the ordinary means of communication are down, who have trained together for
dealing with emergencies, who have even a rudimentary chain of command -- such a group
is a hundred times as effective as a dozen isolated individuals.
At the moment, no national organization for doing this exists. All attempts at forming such
a group have run into serious problems -- the Oathkeepers, the Three Percenters -- all have had
defective leaderships.
So at the moment, forming a local group is the safest thing to do.
Some people who seem to know what they're doing -- a loose network of local groups -- can
be found here:
Forming a local group from scratch, and then building it, is an art. We need to discuss how to do it.