Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
35,924 posts
*Huey » 17 Feb 2025, 6:31 pm » wrote: ↑
My father didn't drink himself to death. He left when I was 9. He was drunk long before I came along. He smoked himself to death. Lubg cancer, emphasizema, etc.
I haven't lied, Options Coward. Your father knew you were not man enough to serve so he suggested you use your legacy admission. And you took a ****** major.
So, as you can see, bringing my father into it is not a game a changer. You can find me in the Bennett's Creek section of Suffolk, Va. A couple of year ago I was with 35 miles of your cowardly ***. Your turn, ArmsLength.
Remember, YOU will have to make the first move. And you won't, ******. I **** own you
By that time it must have been clear to him that you are irredeemably innumerate..
Remember, YOU will have to make the first move.
Why must I do everything?