Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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ConservativeWave » 3 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
They were PACKED juries, in HEAVILY Democrat areas, where the judge allowed some testimony that should NEVER have been allowed, and REFUSED testimony that was ABSOLUTELY relevant... and who KNOWS if there weren't payoffs associated with the entire cabal...
I'll tell you what, THOSE judgements have been appealed... and the preliminary hearings on those appeals DID NOT sound good for the Liberal Democrats... The judges asking WHY the lower level courts were trying to INJECT themselves into a business dealing?... where BOTH Trump and Deutsche Bank were FULLY CAPABLE of INDEPENDENTLY evaluating the value of the property Donald Trump was trying to get a loan on?... WHICH they DID DO, and then which they PROVIDED the loan on... and WHICH Donald Trump had SUBSEQUENTLY COMPLETELY paid off... and where Deutsche Bank REFUSED to be a party in ANY of the Democrats law suites !!
THIS was a law-suite without a victim (except Donald Trump), and COMPLETELY CONTRIVED by the Democrat Party !! Phase 2 will RECTIFY that... and hopefully BANKRUPT all involved !!
There is EVERY indication that the original verdict will be COMPLETELY vacated... and that Trump will be guilty of NOTHING very soon.. HOWEVER... TONS of Proof that the Democrat Party ORCHESTRATED the ENTIRE fiasco in order to PREVENT/STOP Donald Trump from running for President... which would be SERIOUS, and be at the very least a violation of Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure... but MUCH more serious than that, because it attempted to SUBVERT our VERY Democracy....
YOU haven't seen the end of this... BECAUSE NOW it's the Republicans (and Donald Trumps) turn.... to SUE the PANTS OFF the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, and ANYONE who was involved in the FIASCO !!
YOU haven't see the END of this yet... There is still MUCH MORE to come !!
You're a complete idiot.
It's called voir dire...Google it.