The outbreak is largely spreading in the Mennonite community in an area where small towns are separated by vast stretches of oil rig-dotted open land but connected due to people traveling between towns for work, church, grocery shopping and other day-to-day errands. Gaines County, which has 80 cases, has one of the highest rates in Texas of school-aged children who opt out of at least one required vaccine, with nearly 14% of K-12 children in the 2023-24 school year.Zeets2 » Yesterday, 2:05 pm » wrote: ↑ You surely are one stupid moron!
I suppose you aren't aware that Texas school-age children from K-12 ARE REQUIRED BY LAW to be vaccinated against measles and other communicable diseases in order to register for school AND PROVIDE PROOF of vaccination in both public and private schools. Go check it out if you don't believe me!
So what does THAT fact tell you, genius?
It tells ME that this kid WAS AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, who are specifically NOT checked or have provided NO proof of being vaccinated UNDER BIDEN'S OPEN BORDERS WHICH DID NOT REQUIRE IT!
And the second reason that you know this to be true is that NOT ONE of the dozens of media reports on this kid's death indicated whether or not he WAS a legal citizen, in which case there would have been significant human error in letting him attend school, AND THE MEDIA WOULD HAVE HAD A FIELD DAY ATTACKING THE STATE FOR FAILING TO DO SO! Since that has not happened, anyone with a brain (probably why you were dumb enough to post something that so obviously proves Biden's criminal immigration policy and his incompetence) can easily deduce that this kid was an illegal, and could easily have infected many other illegal kids in school as well as many of their illegal parents!
Funny how you're SO eager to post **** that you think reflects badly on Trump or Republican states that makes you allow your limited intelligence to wind up making you look like such an ignorant buffoon once again!