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Yesterday 6:08 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
36,816 posts
Their job creation figure typically reflects net jobs added only. The problem with that is that this figure does not account for jobs that were lost during the same period
I don't care about frequency. 4 of the last 8 winners were from small countries. THat is the point.
Do you REALLY want to claim that tariffs cause inflation?? YOU'RE making the claim that tariffs cause inflation. NOT ME!! THAT causes prices to increase and the VALUE OF MONEY to DECREASE. Tariffs DO NOT cause the value of money to decrease and without that 2nd part, you have NO INFLATION!! And since TARIFFS can actually cause a DECREASE IN DEMAND for goods with a tariff, the exact opposite of inflation CAN happen. BUT TARIFFS ALONE do NOT cause inflation. PERIOD!!


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