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4 Aug 2017 3:01 am
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8 posts
Misty » 03 Aug 2017 6:50 pm » wrote: Okay, that is officially creepy.
Nah, it isn't.

Let me start with a heart-felt "Thank You" to Misty for keeping this service to humanity going. At a time when giggles are scarce and occasions for disgust abound, this is sorely needed.

On the other hand, let's not forget about the invaluable contributions from the most sincere and honorable other contributors to these hallowed halls, namely, Termin8tor, roadkill, huey, and Sgt Bilko. Apologies to all those who thought it worthwhile to reiterate the "Uh, butt this are just cahtoons! Your demented!" accusation, whom I forgot. Among the occasions for belly-laughs and giggles, "Girls are torturing men with their looks", still stands out, and this thread wouldn't be what it is without you. So, a "Thank You" to all of you as well. The American Taliban sure have their valuable and valued representatives on here. Naturally, they're all goofs to whom even a smidgen of self-awareness would be a mortal threat. On the other hand, in a just world everyone ought to have every liberty to expose themselves for what they are, for all to see, and that, as it turns out, was the main function of this thread. Thanks, Misty!

You go, girl!
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