Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
33 posts
Money makes the World Go Round. So why do we let a small group of "Friends" monopolize it. They get to create it out of thin air and give it to us and charge interest and we have to work for our money and they get it, and a lot of it for FREE..../ WTF is wrong with this picture. Are we the Bankster's SLAVES or what ??? This is so obvious even a 12 year old gets it but on this site there are some seriously ignorant people who just don't or refuse to see the reality of what is going on with this PRIVATE Fake Money that we use. I don't know about you but I'm not interested in paying the criminal bills of the Banksters. As a matter of fact I don't recognize their illegal Government of Occupation either that is headquartered in their District of Columbia Compound. These Delusional Foreign Controlled Thugs have bluffed their way to control what they do at present. Our Constitution calls for the US Treasury to issue our own MONEY interest free. Why and how has this present system of PRIVATE Banking been set up? It's Illegal and immoral. Kill the PRIVATE Federal Reserve Note. America & the World needs a NEW GREENBACK DOLLAR.