Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
33 posts
I sense some Knuckle Draggers here who waste our time talking about "Manufactured Inflation" when we ought to be talking about WHO gets to create money out of thin air and WHO gets to decide HOW it is spent. This POWER to create all of our realities belongs in the hands of a few? NO Transparency, NO Accountability, and WE don't question this? Are we a bunch of "Toddlers" with BLIND TRUST who can be easily led and guided or have we become Chemically Lobotomized by all the Fluoride in our water and the other thousands of manufactured chemicals put into our Food, Water, Air, Ground, and directly into our Veins and mouths? They have "dumbed" down our nation through Chemical Lobotomy! Don't blame the victim. Put the blame where it belongs! The British "Empire" aka "the crown" aka, the "City of London" Corporation and the Eugenic Nightmare of their Corpocracy that they are feeding the world. These DELUSIONAL PSYCHOPATHS need to be arrested. The chemical poisoning needs to be stopped. The state/corporate sponsored terrorism participants and cheerleaders need to be rounded up and tried in new Nurnberg trials like after WWII. So don't blame the victims of chemical poisoning so much as the parasitic perpetrators aka the Banksters. The enemy has to be identified. No more falling for false flags. After 50 years it has officially been released that the "Gulf of Tonkin" Incidence that officially started the VIETNAM WAR was a lie by the Renegade Government of Occupation in Wash. D. C. NO North Vietnamese ships fired on our ships... Another LIE / FALSE FLAG. It's time the REAL AMERICANS stood up together and reinstate OUR OWN GOVERNMENT to replace the present Usurpers, the Criminal Corporate Cabal registered as the United States of America Corporation. Yes, the "City of London" Gangster Banksters who fund the Terrorism and Chemical Drug Operations and all the other evil in this world run their evil empire through a system of World-Wide PRIVATE Central Banks replacing every countries currencies with their Petrol Dollar aka the Federal Reserve which is neither Federal or had any reserves. That's right! No Reserves. Not is there NOTHING to back up their PRIVATE CURRENCY but they have accumulated over $2 Quad-TRILLION in Federal Reserve Note DEBT!!! $2 Quad-Trillion of their War & Vice Debt that can never be paid because the income of the entire world for a year in only 80 Trillion. and that is why the "City of London" Bankster Mob/Cartel aka British Empire aka New World Order aka The Elite aka Criminal Delusional Psychopaths etc.etc.etc. are funding and setting up WWIII. In their Delusional State, It's their only way out plus it fits into their Delusional Eugenic Vision and goal to Depopulate the planet from the present 7.5 Billion to a "manageable" 1/2 Billion or even less. How far will they go ??? Only as far as WE let them !!!