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sooted up Cyndi
13 May 2018 6:34 am
13 May 2018 6:34 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
10,440 posts
peepee » 10 May 2018 9:48 pm » wrote:....here is wright patman's, 'A Primer on Money'...patman [US House from Texas, 1929-1976] is one of the very few republicrats i have found to have ever spoken intelligently and honestly about the hideous monetary order under which we are en$laved... [certainly no republican or democrat cheerleaders at this site have ever spoken intelligently about thi$ hideou$ $y$tem....right, private dildo?] :wave:

https://ia800203.us.archive.org/20/item ... y_text.pdf

"...There are many reasons why the general public doesn’t really understand our monetary system. In the first place, money is something that people tend to get emotional about. After all, money involves, and always has involved, something closely akin to faith—which probably explains why in many past societies the money system has been in the hands of a priesthood, the subject of magical rites, and the ceremonial services of the tribe’s medicine man.

Then, some of those who do understand the workings of our monetary system seem to feel they are in possession of secrets which cannot be revealed safely to the public. Unraveling the mystery, they feel, would somehow destroy a money system built on exchanges of paper and not “real” goods such as gold or silver. For this reason, it has been traditional for bankers and other private managers of money to cloak the working of the money system with the mantle of secrecy. And many of our high public officials share this view. Although they are appointed to represent the public interest they seem to feel that it would be somehow dangerous to talk about our monetary system in ways that let the public understand who does what, and why. These officials seem very partial to the turns of phrase that imply that the supply of money—and interest rates—are subject to powerful economic laws over which men have no control...."
I got myself a summer job at a bank ONCE. I would never do it again. What a crappy job .When everyone locked themselves out of the vault, I was asked to go in and unlock the door. I could do it, because I was the smallest and could shimmy under the one foot gap between the door and the floor. I went in with the combo. Unlocked the area where the money was. And was shocked To find out. There was hardly any money in the entire bank!!!! Just enough cash for tellers to do their job, for the day. Shocked, I went back to the lobby. A customer pulled up to the drive up. I cashed their check and placed it in this tube like thing, that shot it back out to the customer in their car, like something out of Star Trek. Then something weird happened. I looked around and all the weird bank furniture looked strange as if it was breathing, alive. I felt woosy, like I was going to faint.... For about two minutes I felt as if I had entered an alternative universe. All because at that instant, I realized that money was all a fraud. Not a real thing. Just numbers on paper. No money, to back anything up. It changed my life and how I looked at the world. That was many years ago now. From that day on, I looked at money, how it is manipulated... the fed, IMF, crap like that. Been on a quest for years, trying to figure out their game. They are very talented at their manipulation.
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