I"ve been hearing rumblings of cnn's demise for years now. They've had a steep decline of late,while going wall to wall with stormy and the ambulance chaser, but from what I understand the powers that be don't care if they lose money on cnn.sooted up Cyndi » 13 May 2018 1:33 pm » wrote:
Hey you know what I heard today. Albeit on Alex Jones and Stone? They said that the Commie News Network is cooked. Kapoot. Gonzo soon. No ratings, no trust,no profits, and something to do with the giant merger going on.. As soon as that goes thru, they are going to get rid of it? I don't know if I believe it? Something about they are hanging on in hopes of impeaching poor Trump, then ending the network.... Would be a dream come true? But then there is still MSLSD? Is it possible?