Isabel » 16 Jan 2021, 5:40 pm » wrote: ↑
They are very well trained and obedient Big Lie Whores.
Whatever lie they are told to chant to serve their pimps, they chant.
It's an easy gig.
No thinking, honor or balls required.
It flies in the face of common sense.
- Cons frequently brag online about how well armed and well trained they are.
- Talk of civil war and generic threats against liberals are common in these forums.
- The Bugaloo Boys, Proud Boys, klansmen and Nazis are always up for a fight.
- 15,000 MAGATs assaulted Congress.
- GOP Congress persons want to be armed on the floor of the House.
Contrast this to the left.
- Million women marches drew record breaking crowds to DC without violence.
- BLM protests were largely peaceful. Violence was committed by the police and Trump, not the protesters.
- Eventually the BLM protests did give way to violence. Few of the arrested individuals were BLM. They were right wing terrorists, anarchists and common criminals.
It’s obvious to anyone with a grounding in truth that right wing terrorism is a major problem in this country. It enjoys the supported of many mainstream conservatives and the disgraced 45th president. Left wing terrorism is uncommon. I do not know a single liberals who endorses it.
Attempts by the cult to push the outlandish lie of equivalence or hypocrisy deserves to be laughed out of the room.
3 Nominations
Phelix_Dacat Jan 16, 2021,
Coolguy10013 Jan 16, 2021,
bludog Jan 16, 2021
Go to original post on Jan 16, 2021 5:47pm
Go to nomination on Jan 17, 2021 12:02pm