solon » 26 Feb 2020 2:12 pm » wrote:
That's such a ridiculously out of context quote
that it's ****; what I'm accustomed from you.
You are a LIAR a TRAITOR and a MORON and all your responses are CANNED responses and LIES if that is out of context then put it IN context tell me WHAT context makes that NONSENSE make sense unless he preceded it by saying I would have to be a MORON to say...
I heard his monologue,
and he was accurate, broad and fair about what he believes the risks are.
No he wasnt the Coronavirus might not be EBOLA but it is HARDLY the common cold and Rush was LYING as usual to downplay the DISASTROUS Trump policies in this area. His gutting of CDC response because Obama created it and his dangerous gutting of CDC budget
It likely isn't any more dangerous than the flu, but we don't know that for certain yet.
You are a LIAR and too STUPID to ever know what you are talking about your basic flu has a mortality rate of about .1% while the Coronavirus has a mortality rate of about 2 % about like the 1917 Spanish flu pandemic which was one of the WORST outbreaks in recorded history. You are A LIAR just retelling the LIES Rush told you to think
The Corona Virus as an issue is being weaponized by the corrupt liberal MSM, by the Deep State and by Democrat psychopaths like you to damage Trump.
You are a LIAR and a TRAITOR what is happening is Trump is getting WELL DESERVED criticism for his DISASTROUS policies in this area and his OUTRIGHT LIES and misinformation he and his administration are spreading ABOUT this issue. As usual you HATE when FACTS are cited when REALITY is pushed in your FACE and when Trump is ACCURATELY criticized for STUPID things that HE DID DO.
You're like the girl who cried wolf on steroids, psycho.
You are a LIAR a GUTLESS COWARD and a TRAITOR you are like Baghdad Bob or Tokyo ROSE constant LIES for your GOD and for RUSSIA and you couldnt care LESS how it hurts America since you are a TRAITOR
No one with the slightest common sense believes one single word you write.
Massive projection by a TRAITOR who NO ONE in their right mind takes seriously. I have PROVEN you are a LIAR YOU have PROVEN you are a GUTLESS COWARD who RUNS away CRYING from FACTS and substance and I have SHOWN you are a TRAITOR who pushes Russian Military Intelligence propaganda even AFTER you are shown it ORIGINATED AS Russian Military Intelligence propaganda TRAITOR
The mortality rate MAY be 2% IN CHINA, but do you know the current mortality rate in the US? IT'S ZERO! How many open-air food markets in the US sell live snakes and bats for human consumption like they do in China, where this virus likely originated? Do you really think the medical facilities there can compare to our healthcare here?
I don't know about you, but I don't plan on changing my diet to match what China eats any time soon! That's the kind of results you get when you have a billion people to feed in a communist country, something you're not the least bit concerned about when you happily give your vote to a nominee like Bernie Sanders!
Is this where YOU shop? Or maybe bats, monkeys, and dog meat are you preference? Then tell me why in the world you would possibly compare the rate of disease spread there with the US? Think the sanitation requirements here might make a difference?