Misty » 02 Jun 2020, 8:53 pm » wrote: ↑
Why don't you tell me which one it was?
It's only in the empty head of a liberal where the mindset thinks it's possible to precisely identify a handful of people out of the thousands of rioters who actually set the fire. So according to YOUR thinking, all should be permitted to continue to rampage!
You've got that *** backwards.
I would never say that looters are peaceful.
You right wingers are the ones who paint all protesters with the same broad brush, even the peaceful ones.
Because you do not believe that anyone with whom you disagree has the same constitutional rights as you do.
****! EVERYONE from Trump on down has been FULLY SUPPORTIVE of the right to protest! You've heard that stated DOZENS of times, but you choose to lie about it instead because that's what your liberal agenda demands!
And no Liberal politician has given their 'blessing' to looters.
That's pure ****.
Oh no? You obviously need the proof shmushed in your face then, since you certainly won't learn it from the FAKE NEWS MEDIA you love so much! Here, read this and educate yourself:
Philly Instructions Exposed: Police Will Not Arrest Looters, Thieves, Drug Users
This is a recipe for chaos that could have only born in the brain of a social justice ‘activist,’ like the current police commissioner.
Courting chaos and disaster, the Philadelphia Police Department has announced that it will no longer arrest people for “non-violent” crimes.
In fact, they’ve basically admitted that they “won’t protect people or property,” with the new policy.
Things like muggings, looting, vandalism, auto theft, prostitution, and a host of other crimes will be allowed to proceed unhindered. In fact, criminals were just given a free pass.
...and here's another one from a fellow Democrat idiot Governor in NC:
North Carolina Dems Endorse Looting
Mon Jun 1, 2020 =15px
Daniel Greenfield"Let me be clear about one thing: People are more important than property. Black Lives do Matter," Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina declared.
Property is a capitalist abstraction to Marxists. It's also someone's home, someone's livelihood, someone's life. It's what separates free people from serfs. The Left wants serfs and so hates the idea of property.
Governor Cooper, announcing in the middle of violent riots, that people's property doesn't matter when a Black Lives Matter mob is out there ransacking people's stores, is an endorsement of the rioting, and an announcement that people will not be protected from the BLM mob.
Just to hammer that message home, Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown declared, "I will not put an officer in harm’s way to protect the property inside of a building."
It goes without saying that this is not about the lives of officers, but about giving the mob an all-clear to riot and loot.
A number of municipalities have done it officially, but in North Carolina, it's official.
So go try peddling your left-wing talking points elsewhere, because your lies and **** have been exposed!
My business does a lot of work in NYC, where Comrade DiBlasio has ordered catch and release for anyone the police arrest, so why should the cops even bother? Are you so blind that you don't realize how many businesses will now flee the city and take tens of thousands of jobs with them? You're about to see 30% unemployment rates in Democrat-run cities like NY, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Houston, Minneapolis and LA, and you brain-dead morons are cheering it on!