RebelGator » 27 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
His ringleader status was the result of battle field promotion.....his superiors were all killed in action.....Slideman, Benson13, Mainedunce, Onassis, Peenix69, Calguy, etc.
Some say they merely deserted, but I believe they died twisting on conservative bayonets.
I'm sure he's even more pissed off at them for abandoning "the cause" and leaving him alone to face the onslaught for the coming 4 years!
And I have no doubt that if he had ANY semblance of an actual life outside of this forum, he'd be gone too!
But I guess that's what happens after your wife dumps your dumb *** and your daughter all but abandons you as well!
He has virtually no country left that he believes in, no family that respects him, an education that's left him dumber than when he entered Brown, drives a 20 year old VW, and now finds all his supporters here have left him high and dry.
Fitting, isn't it?