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24 Feb 2025 10:07 am
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6,131 posts
RebelGator » Today, 8:33 am » wrote: Tits can be apreciated using all 5 senses.....even hearing.

That's when your buddy says, "Hey, check out those tits"!
I did some business with the Hooters in Manhattan many years ago and had lunch there several times, once or twice with my wife and kids.  The food was great and the waitresses were beautiful, friendly, and provided great service and the place was often packed with customers.  They had the best Buffalo wings I've ever had.
This is typical of what they looked like:
Years later, things changed after my work there was completed, and I haven't been back since.  What I heard was that they closed the Times Square location, and apparently things went downhill from there. In 1997, they lost a landmark case and a $3.75 million to men claiming they were discriminated against for not being hired.  For years after that, they faced one lawsuit after another for discrimination against hiring waitresses who were overweight and against black waitresses who claimed discrimination when they weren't rehired after the pandemic.
Apparently, this became the Hooters of today:
Any wonder why people stopped going?
Fine job, New York!
Chalk up another victory for fat, ugly, black women!
Updated 4 minutes ago
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