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16 Feb 2020 10:06 am
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4 posts
A small town in California had a bad pigeon problem and it was getting worse every day. The city counsel put an add in a major paper for anyone who could rid this town of these birds. A few days latter a man answered the add The city counsel agreed and needed a price to clear the town. He told them as long as they asked him no questions it would be free. The next morning he met with the town on top of their highest hill.

There the Man pulled from under his coat a blue bird. He released the bird and as it flew through the town all the pigeons followed the blue bird. Soon all the pigeons were following the blue bird who then flew out of town coming back alone. At the city hall the counsel told the man they would have to pay him as they had to ask him a question. "Do you have a blue Mexican?"{
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