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7 Mar 2022 11:27 pm
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B.See » 18 Feb 2022, 6:56 am » wrote: While I was vacationing this past week (as I'm wont to do on occasion) I was still gathering up articles of the **** known as the Republican Party... hundreds of them. Particularly, a spate of articles documenting the relentless and increasingly bizarre assault upon our nation's schools and educators. 

An attack that, on the one hand, seeks to obstruct all efforts at a safe return to a classroom environment or, at least, measures aimed at reducing the spread of a pandemic STILL with us and still killing thousands, while on the other hand, threatening teachers and administrators as to what can and can't be taught, with new laws limiting curriculum (that the right doesn't want taught) and calls for monitoring, policing, reporting and even prosecuting those who the new reich may deem to be "subversive."

Hence reports now of a mass exodus of educators, which I figure would serve the haters right anyway. You don't want to practice safe practices that might protect your OWN kids? and want to dictate what can't be taught? Then stay your *** home and school your OWN progeny (the ones you can't wait to send back to school even thought they're your OWN).  That way you can sufficiently keep them as ignorant of unwanted truths as you want.

Or maybe send them to a private institution that'll kowtow to your academic wishes, that'll probably be staffed by soccer moms with nary a certificate in education, not that anyone would KNOW any difference anyway since most of them don't participate in end of year standardized testing that'd reveal how little they know.

That way they too can grow up to become productive citizens who'd be dumb enough to fall for some **** like 7 million more votes for the other guy were fraudulent because YOUR moron LOST.

end of rant.
The fact you went out of your way to promote your infantile "Dems good, Repubs bad" by "gathering up articles" is dismally pitiful. 

American education does have a major problem and it has nothing to do with what flavor of postmodernism they "teach" at schools these days or whether schools still enforce their idiotic mask policies. 

I remember in the old days when they had annual standardized tests (do they even do those anymore? Or are those deprecated due to "racism?") I was scoring @ the 99th percentile despite the fact I was quite an unruly child who was written up on a # of occasions for "disruptive behavior" and hated studying. 

American education is basically extended daycare with little liability due to teachers' unions...but of course you are more concerned about "hillbilly/uneducated/unenlightened parents" interfering with school board decided curricula (propaganda) and other trivial issues. 

You seem like the kind of person gullible (or retarded) enough to believe that because most teachers have a Masters, that makes them "more qualified" to decide what matters or not (A Bachelors in Math, Eng, Stats, or some hard science like chemistry is worth 100x more than a Masters in Education). 
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