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19 Oct 2021 10:42 am
19 Oct 2021 10:42 am
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Neo » 19 Oct 2021, 10:21 am » wrote: That wasn't your claim nor mine. Ivermectin has shown effectiveness against serious complications from Covid-19 in studies. It continues to be demonized as horse dewormer by the American press. My question is why? Who benefits? Why are you so comfortable with dishonesty?
I'm not "comfortable" with dishonestly at all.  Quite trollish of you to suggest that I am.  The FDA isn't going to just approve something that "someone" claims works.   If someone buys this stuff at a feed store, it IS a horse/cow dewormer.  If it's prescribed by a board certified physician, then it's for human use.  People claim that it protects against serious Covid complications.  Does it protect all demographics?  Is it potentially dangerous to people with certain medical conditions?   None of this is known.  To date, there is no documented proof it works.  I hope it does work.  However, we can't just open the flood gates until we have reason to believe it is safe and effective FOR ALL.
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