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29 Jan 2025 9:50 am
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Skans » 29 Jan 2025, 9:16 am » wrote: As the great Andrew Jackson once said "to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy" .  If a people want to F-around by starting a war with another nation, there is no pre-determined outcome.  The war-starters could lose and they must be prepared to accept the terms of defeat, whatever they may be

Had the Palestinians won the war, they would have taken all of Israel for their own, brutalized and murdered the Jews. Heck, they bragged about their Oct 7 battle victory as it was happening.

As it turned out, however, the Israelis decisively pounded the **** out of Gazans and Hezbolah Palestinains, and to the Israelis, the victors, belong the spoils of the enemy. 

I say take their land, their weapons, their houses (what's left of them) their money, their children as slaves for all I care.  If you think I am not a ruthless son of a bitch when it comes to wars waged by idiots, then I'm here to spell it out in plain damn English to you.  The Israelis could kill every last Palestinian and I would think it is moral, just and proper. F-ing cruel, ruthless but just - that's me.  Got it now?
Crazy RINO nutcase

You think this all started on October 7th?
Lol Delusional. 
Why should the sand *** have to fight for their own land they’ve had for centuries?
Because British colonialists, bred with Khazarian Jewcockers, in 1948, wanted the land for rejected Khazarian Jews to live in? 
 JewCocksuckers don’t rate as humans in my book, Skansy. You’re clueless about who runs the country 
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