Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
2 posts
“Efforts to reject the mainstream merely result in a new conformity.” -MIT Technology Review ... -the-same/
The hipster effect: those who want to make anti-conformist statements end up looking almost identical to others who wish to make similar statements. I.e. the guy in skinny jeans and a tie dye shirt with blue hair who is vegan and loves the planet although he has yet to spend one solid day in the wilderness.
Although “tight-fitting jeans can cause urinary tract infections, twisted testicles, bladder weakness and long-term health consequences,” they continue to be a trend among ‘men’ who claim to belong to the counterculture. Not a counterculture I want to be a part of. ... les/247826
We have evolved through natural selection to work in groups to survive. ‘Herd mentality,’ which is mocked today by all ends of the political spectrum, is subconsciously adopted by many on a daily basis, even when one believes he is rebelling against the norm.
The rise of social media has heightened this effect. When did you last make a decision that wasn’t influenced by a government, corporation, public figure, or something someone else was doing? If you defy a government, you are likely to join a group of individuals who think similarly. If you boycott a corporation, you are likely to take similar actions to others in circumventing it. If you hate a public figure, that sentiment likely came from something another person said.
Humans have a desire to feel special and unique, to feel that they offer something to the world that others can’t or don’t. But to what extent are you willing to go to prove your point, and will it end up harming you in the long run?
Let us put to rest the tired argument that one should or should not take an action because other people are or are not doing it. In the end, you are not special, and there are likely to be similar people who are taking an action for reasons similar to yours. Instead, judge it solely on the consequences it will have for your life and the life of those you will impact.
1 Nomination
Annoyed Liberall Aug 05, 2020
Go to original post on Aug 05, 2020 12:50am