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Older Guy
3 Jul 2022 4:31 am
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Cannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 9:46 am » wrote: There were fewer babies with no immunities when they weren't being locked down in a bubble, dumb ***. Being introduced to things from normal exposure helps the immune system develop. Being kept on lock down limits exposure, limiting immune system development. 

Google, WTF is wrong with your brain, that this needs to be explained to you?

A: you seem to have an opinion based on pure **** Cannonpointer.
You fire off a missive like a foolish ideology based in conspiracy ditto brain. 
ditto brain - Rush Limbaugh follower, the phrase ditto brain created by Rush himself.
Trump gave him the medal of honor before he died. Makes a lot of sense.
B. there has to be a B after an A. 
https://www.cdc.gov/rsv/high-risk/infan ... ldren.html

Why do you think RSV PCR tests are part of SARS-CoV-2 virus study more and more these days?
You don't know, of course you don't, you don't know much, don't care to know.
But it's a fact, worldwide, it's very true.

Don't believe me? Well, nothing I can do to convince you I guess.
sorry for that dude...
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