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IkeBana » 25 Jun 2021, 7:20 am » wrote: Done.  Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic medication, not an anti-viral.  Ivermectin kills living organisms.  Viruses are not living organisms.
Where did you get the LIE that Ivermectin is not a safe and effective anti-viral?
As scientists come to know more about the novel coronavirus, they are able to find with more potential treatment procedures for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Scientists from Monash University in Australia found that anti-parasitic drug “Ivermectin” was able to kill COVID-19 grown in cell cultures in less than 48 hours.
Ivermectin is an approved anti-parasitic drug known to be effective against a variety of viruses like HIV, influenza, dengue, and Zika


 Ivermectin As A Drug Of Choice For Prevention And Treatment of COVID-19

According to many experts, Ivermectin has proven to be highly effective in various stages of COVID-19 Infection including pre- and post-exposure phase. Read on to know more.

By: Editorial Team    | Edited by: Jahnavi Sarma    | | Updated: May 14, 2021 10:20 pm

Tags: Coronavirus  COVID-19 in India  covid-19 treatment  Ivermectin for COVID-19  


UP was the first state to use ivermectin, followed by which, government of West Bengal, Maharashtra, Assam & Kerala too included it in their protocol for the treatment of mild-moderate cases of COVID-19.

COVID-19 has emerged as an elusive foe, threatening mankind. Currently India is placed second in terms of number of reported cases which warrants newer therapeutic treatment options that are widely available, affordable, effective and safe. There are newer drugs on the horizon which have been recommended though with very limited experience & devoid of enough data about safety and efficacy. These newer options are neither easily available nor affordable. Experts have revisited some of the old molecules and have found ivermectin, originally introduced as an anthelminthic to be an effective, safe and affordable therapeutic option in Indian settings for prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Also Read - Delta Variant Can Evade Immunity, Trigger Reinfection In Patients

Ivermectin is a remarkable drug as it has proven to be highly effective in various stages of COVID Infection including pre- and post-exposure phase, the symptomatic phase and the pulmonary / inflammatory phase. In the recommended dosages, ivermectin is very safe. The drug, discovered way back in 1970, is already explored in several viral diseases like HIV, Dengue, Influenza and Zika. In these days of shortages of drugs like Remdesivir, which on many occasions do not work, there is surplus supply of ivermectin in the market and the drug is easily available. It can be of great use to protect persons who came in close contact with a COVID-19 patient as well as in the treatment of asymptomatic and mild COVID patients.

https://www.thehealthsite.com/news/iver ... 19-813846/ 
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