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28 Jun 2021 8:19 am
28 Jun 2021 8:19 am
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Vegasgiants » 28 Jun 2021, 7:49 am » wrote: Then why not admit it.  Why hide it.  He admitted he took HQL.  So why hide ivermectin
. Why not proclaim it loudly so others would take it.

He never took it because he is not that stupid
It has been proven over and over that Ivermectin's use will prevent one from getting the wuhan virus and cure it at all stages!!!Fast forward to 2020, when ivermectin began proving its mettle against COVID-19.

To date, we have the combined weight of 51 studies in ivermectin’s favor.

We have the work of Front-line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance that analyzed those studies, examined South American regions where ivermectin distribution led to fewer cases, and wrote protocols for doctors to follow at each stage. “(I)vermectin may prove to be a global solution to the pandemic,” the group wrote in a peer-reviewed article accepted by the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology.

We have a new independent review from England that concludes “…ivermectin will probably substantially reduce the risk of death in people with COVID-19 and…will probably substantially reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection among health care workers and contacts.”

Lastly, we have what may be the ultimate breakthrough. Working under a program hosted by the World Health Organization, a University of Liverpool pharmacologist reviewed ivermectin studies and was impressed. “If we see these same trends consistently across more studies,” Dr. Andrew Hill concluded, “then this really is going to be a transformational treatment.” Unitaid, the agency overseeing Hill’s work, acknowledged for me that the “preliminary data was promising.”

It’s my hope that WHO will be bold. It must balance the risks and benefits of ivermectin. COVID-19 has changed everything. We do not have time to conduct trials involving thousands of patients and millions of dollars. What should matter now is this: Long-standing science tells us ivermectin is safe. New studies tell us ivermectin works.

Last April, NIH’s COVID czar, Dr. Anthony Fauci, declared the drug remdesivir the “standard of care” based on preliminary findings. “You have an ethical obligation,” he said then, “to let the people in the placebo group know so they could have access.”

We now know that remdesivir, at $3,000 a treatment and approved on thin evidence, does not work. What is your ethical obligation now, Dr. Fauci, when we have a treatment that does?

https://trialsitenews.com/not-using-ive ... d-immoral/

I stand by my bet that Trump's doctors  treated him with Ivermectin and it saved his life. They will not/cannot admit that for fear of being censored or worse by the powerful drug industry that cannot make $BILLIONS in profits from the now non-patentable old drug that is Ivermectin.  

It is hard to believe that supposed intelligent people are so blinded to evidence that it right under their noses. Or are they not that intelligent and only **** by the powers that be all in the name of money, NOT in saving lives.
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