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Ike Bana
4 Mar 2021 9:31 am
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DeezerShoove » 04 Mar 2021, 12:21 am » wrote: Man in Dress Party is **** in the head.
They need propaganda to sustain the flock.
The Q-Anon party is the one **** in the head.
They need delusion and intellectual deficiencies to sustain the flock.
DeezerShoove » 04 Mar 2021, 12:21 am » wrote: Which set of partisans is more emotionally unstable?
Conservatives or liberals?
That answer will tell you which side is more susceptible to propaganda.
Trump partisans are completely emotionally unstable and cognitively challenged. Other conservatives are probably just as stable and intelligent as anybody else, however they have shown themselves to be completely lacking in integrity, so their instability is behavioral.

Americans who buy anything that was spewed out of the orange ****'s festering piehole over the past four years, and the four decades before that, are the ones who are susceptible to blatant propaganda.

So here we go DweebsterStooge...we have both stated our opinions. Ya think it's gonna change anything? The founder's greatest achievement was the establishment of the country on such ridiculous philosophies that the country was doomed to end up in the cultural war that will end it. It started with the country being founded with slavery remaining in place. Which generated the catastrophe that was the civil war. And in modern times, was kicked off by the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and the final splitting of the culture over the Vietnam war. The development of the gaping cultural chasm over the past four years was as predictable as rain over Puget Sound.

So white American christian conservatives are now all whining, pissing and moaning about their culture being cancelled and their beliefs and desires becoming dismissed.  Well guess what after almost 250 years of dominance of the culture by white christian convervatives...what goes around, comes around.

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Annoyed Liberall Mar 03, 2021

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