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14 Jul 2020 7:20 pm
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      When most people think of liberals usually a skittles looking *** "social justice warrior" tranny pops up in people's minds. Most people confuse liberals with leftists, which is caused some people to think the association between liberals and leftists is practically the same. FALSE there's is no similarities between caring, fact-checked liberals between whining, "taste-the-rainbow-bitch" leftist snowflakes. The difference: liberals based their optimistic solutions with fact-checked data, evidence and willing to discard old, unnecessary traditions values, and the interest of increasing a person's general knowledge than tactical or professional development. 

Leftists, however, believe the necessities of equality and open hood by means of converts and use of over-exaggeration by any means necessary to critically change the minds of the majority and to also blame the social-economic problems on the minorities(companies, business owners, landlords, etc)  than actually solving the problems through fact n logic and the use of emotions as there driving force to push their leftist agenda.

The role of the SJW is to shut down​​​​​​ peaceful protests (usually In universities) cause the ideas go against their "emotional beliefs" 
A true SJW would rather protect peaceful protests and discourage people whos willing to force a group of people to be shutdown.

Every liberal love a good debate but a leftist wont even bother talking.


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LiberalThugin:) Jul 14, 2020

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