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Mrkelly » Yesterday, 6:50 pm » wrote: And that is where we are at

politics will keep you from condemning the killing of innocent civilians 

SMFH  Image
while you, the fraud and others peruse alternate message boards, social media, etc 24 / 7 / 365.25, I'm only on here for a bit mostly daily. politics has nothing to do with whether one condemns it or I've stated before, voicing some **** on a message board to a dz or so people about some **** happening on the other side of the world that is completely out of our control of which anyone could have any influence is like...


I agree, I don't believe what Israel is doing is right, but I'm not in their shoes and they've never been one who listens to outside influence...never have, never's who they are...
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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