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Fuelman » Yesterday, 1:22 pm » wrote: Hmm…you mean the same conservatives who hate welfare and scream about taxpayer money but happily open their wallets for Israel so Jews get free healthcare and state funded university? Sign me up!

Not sure where you pulled this from but the author my be dumber than those he chastised. 

"Sign me up!"

This stupid **** has no idea!

Israel income tax rate on $52k. 31%
Israel income tax rate on $72k. 35%
17% VAT on top of that.
25% tax on interest income.
There are plenty of other taxes also added on.

Yes! Definitely sign this **** up!
low IQ's a's actually takes no IQ to be a lazy Jew hater...
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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