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8 Feb 2022 10:18 am
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B.See » 19 Oct 2021, 12:18 am » wrote: They're called FACTS, chief. Demonized Latino immigrants as criminals and rapists, called an NFL player protesting police misconduct a sob, told American women of color congresswomen to go back to some other country, instead of repudiating white supremacy told his "proud" boys to stand back and stand by, picked two far right conservative SCOTUS justices, appointed other far right judges to the judiciary, wanted to send National Guard to Floyd protests, started the BIG LIE that the election was stolen calling for and instigating audits of votes from mostly minority communities, tried to undermine the ACA, rolled back fair housing legislation, reduced, undermined, and fought against various environmental laws, rolled back and undermined banking regulation and consumer protection, sabotaged LEGAL immigration, ended rules protecting workers from sexual harassment, undermined workers' overtime pay, cut child nutrition and food safety net programs...
Thanks for listing some of the reasons I voted for Trump and will do so in the future.
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