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16 Sep 2024 6:08 pm
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LowIQTrash » Today, 3:52 pm » wrote: I question the premise of your last question. They did not want to “kill him.” Or at the very least made a very frivolous attempt.

You think the “Deep State” wouldn’t be able to kill Trump if they really wanted him dead? 

Why would they employ the services of some loner loser [who can’t even aim properly] to do the job? Why not hire someone with actual marksmanship skills?

Like this charade today. Some moron / paid actor showed up to one of Trump’s oft visited golf courses and fired some shots.

Like WTF???!!! Does that sound like a serious assassination attempt? 

Here’s my prediction;

Trump will continue being treated as a “baddie” by the media, and on election night pull off a “stunning” victory. (Stunning to everyone except yours truly - who saw the outcome preordained)

Libtards will start crying again and conjobs will celebrate - never mind the fact that conjobs said elections are rigged so why even bother casting a vote (conjobs are never great at logic)? 

Everything will seem “normal” and “great” - right before the tsunami arrives. And if the Great Recession was a 500 ft one, this one will be 1000 ft without question. Unemployment 17% guaranteed

(The Bureau of Lies and Swill will report 12% at most even when half of college graduates cannot find a job in 2026.

Similar to the “poverty rate” holding steady around 13% for decades despite more and more people living in their cars, vans, or RVs - and $24,000 is not even sufficient to sustain one person let alone a whole family.)
Do you have any idea of what the true unemployment rate is?

What percentage of Americans have a steady job?
Updated 3 minutes ago
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