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18 Sep 2024 7:55 am
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Blackvegetable » Today, 6:13 am » wrote: You know how you're always whining about how "Obama got away with murder"?

Sex and Security 

Conservative Republicans on Capitol Hill have begun pressing FBI counterintelligence and Pentagon security agents to take more active roles in the investigation of Washington's latest sex scandal. The Probe centers on the bizarre activities of Craig Spence, a well connected lobbyist who vanished recently after federal investigators linked him to a male prostitution ring that serviced government officials, military officers and businessmen. Lawmakers are worried that the case may involve questions about national security because Spence has close ties to both the Japanese government, which paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars for lobbying work, and the People's Republic of China. Indeed, so concerned were counterintelligence officials about the possibility that Spence may have been using prostitutes to blackmail government officials that when police raided the prostitution ring's headquarters, a CIA officer is said to have accompanied them to help search for evidence. So far, however, the FBI and the Pentagon are resisting pressure to become more involved in the inquiry, which is being led by the Secret Service. Sources say that the FBI and the Pentagon fear that the scandal could become too sordid. 

 U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT "Washington Whispers" 7/29/89
Sources say he was taking showers with Joe Biden.....hard to believe, what?
Updated 3 minutes ago
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