B.See » 14 Jul 2022, 11:47 pm » wrote: ↑
I'd agree that you are partly correct, Bob. Though I'd be inclined to say that billionaires created both socialism and capitalism for billionaire purposes. And yes, they laugh all the way to the bank. To be sure there is no perfect side, only the lesser of two evils.
Most advanced democracies, even though capitalists, recognize the need for the social aspects of governance that a responsible democracy provides for their citizenry, such as the right to healthcare and the like. Unfortunately the U.S. is one democracy that doesn't regard the latter as a right.
A wrestling match show, perhaps. Though for my money, I'd rather choose the side that isn't laughing all the way to the bank via the demonizing of minorities, the poor, the sick, the infirm, and by promoting hate and intolerance for diversity and inclusion.
Advanced democracy always terminates into some kind of old world styled monarchical-feudal group dependency disaster, etc. This was known 250 years ago and its still true in 2022. Free speech? No thanks, bust a deal and face the wheel. $600 was said to be enough for the poor and the sick however the fuel price inflation alone amounts to over $700 per year and will be helping to drive up prices on all other products and services.
Advanced world war on civilians, micky mouse explanations from drunken old women and high estrogen males.