B.See » 24 Jul 2022, 5:10 am » wrote: ↑
Truth is, the Republican party has been working toward the death of democracy in America for quite some time.
From back when conservative think tanks and groups like the Heritage Foundation and their affiliates dictated policymaking to Republican politicians like Ronald Reagan. Back when their various right winged PACS and interests like the Kochs and Mercers held little pow-wows and retreats with right winged judges like Scalia and Thomas.
And when their Federalist Society provided Republican presidents and lawmakers with lists of potential judgeships comprised of far right ideologues.
Back when their "war" on drugs wasn't a yet "crisis" (as it is now with opioids) and back when they and their right winged media outlets like Fox, promoted and promulgated thinly veiled, racist, dog-whistle rhetoric and anti-democratic propaganda on a 24/7 basis. Just like they do NOW.
The coming of Trump was only the culmination of that ongoing effort. He was only the full EMBODIMENT of all they were already trafficking in.
So it was NO wonder that his hate based, rabble rousing diatribes were so readily devoured by right winged voters, above ALL other contenders. And why they love him STILL.
And now that they can see their goals on the horizon, they've unembarrassingly pulled out ALL the stops. Today, their sights are set on nothing less than a fascist, authoritarian MINORITY RULE style of government founded upon hate based nationalistic sentiment and they are acting, non stop, towards those ends.
They've set about doing so via
- radical right rulings of a rogue conservative court,
- via multi-pronged attacks upon the right to vote,
- via their right winged assault upon the judiciary and the resulting undermining of civil rights,
- via their constant promotion and embrace of Trump/GOP inspired racism and hate towards Jews, minorities, immigrants, the gay community, and anyone else they choose to "other",
- via their continued retrogressive and inhumane assault upon programs that help PEOPLE,
- via their assault upon EDUCATION,
- via the rise of far right religious fanaticism blended with the conspiracy theory lunacy of QAnon.
They've done so by turning the GOP into A CULT. And