Skans » 28 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑
One day, neuroscientists and endocrinologists will develop a cure for homosexuality. I am certain it will be a simple treatment that must be administered to the mother while she is pregnant, to ensure complete and normal development of the child's sexuality.
How do you think Homosexuals will react to this? Will they try to stop it? Are Homosexuals presently trying to stop such research for fear of eventually becoming "irrelevant", "extinct", and shown to be the aberration that they really are?
Medial science is full of money making snake oil crap sales with no biological testing, just view the TV programing, have your doctor assign you to a group and then eat the drugs with the group.. Avoid the estrogens from the plastics (plastics and GMO soy bean foods that corporation scientist sold to you), consume the foods that tend to remove the estrogen and the testosterone will come back.