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16 Feb 2022 12:21 pm
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Crazytrain » 12 Feb 2022, 10:24 pm » wrote: For example, the more complete data that Tech Executive-1 and his associates gathered--but did not provide to Agency 2--reflected that between approximately 2014 and 2017, there were a total of more than 3 million lookups of Russian Phone-Prover 1 IP addresses that originated with U.S.-based IP addresses," Durham wrote. "Fewer than 1,000 of these lookups originated with IP addresses affiliated with Trump Tower."

I find it interesting that Trump tower had 1,000 lookups to Russian based ip addresses.
Once Trump was the "President Elect", 1000 "lookups" by people working for Trump, who would be likely be working to communicate with Russians, and many other nations... seems about right... if not LOW !!

At THAT point we are NOT taking about a Hotel Billionaire any longer... we are talking about the LEADER of the Free WORLD !!
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