THANKS! You just solidified the argument in favor of mail-in ballots!
Mail in ballots... judging by what I KNOW right now, are MUCH more preferable to UNCONTROLLED DROP boxes...
SO LONG as the Ballots are mailed to REAL and ELIGIBLE voters, and the ballots are collected, controlled, and COUNTED legally... which I for one will NEVER trust from THIS day forward... UNLESS they are monitored by AUTHORIZED poll watchers, 100% of the time !!
Judging by what we have seen from 2020... BALLOTS should be MONITORED, and VERIFIED, at EVERY point in their Journey to the polling stations, until AFTER they are counted... and THEN stored under LOCK & KEY until the elections is UTTERLY, and FINALLY certified... with NO Legal actions outstanding !!!
THAT is what we need for our ELECTIONS to have integrity !!