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12 May 2022 2:16 pm
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Pastafarian » 12 May 2022, 10:48 am » wrote: Nazis are government men who want to control women and families to do their bidding, ya stupid Nazi. 

Banning books is what your fuhrers are engaging in. 
DeSantis **** with the free market bcuz Disney wants to be more inclusive. Bcuz they weren’t towing his line. 

Nazis never know they are the Nazis.

THAT is a FOOLS explanation of what a NAZI it... the TRUTH IS... NAZI'S ARE... a TOTALITARIAN Party, who DESIRE to, and DEMAND to:

3)  CONTROL the NEWS and MEDIA !
4)  CONTROL your LIFE (including your DEATH) !
5)  CONTROL the Economy, and EVERY aspect of it !
6)  TAKE AWAY your RIGHTS... and THEY see fit !
7)  TAKE AWAY your LIBERTIES... since THEY are supreme ! and
8)  TAKE AWAY your GUNS... because THAT is too much power that can be used AGAINST THEM !

BY ANY measure, that means ANYTHING... THAT is the DEMOCRAT Party of America TODAY... and ANYONE who says different is a TROLL of the Democrats, BRAINWASHED by the Democrats, OR a BLUBBERING IDIOT !!

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