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3 Sep 2024 9:12 am
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1,870 posts
It's becoming CLEAR... the Federal Government has been LYING to Americans about Jobs and the Economy... so that it can CONTINUE the propagate the LIE that the Economy is doing "great" ahead of the 2024 election !  It DOES NOT look like that's true... and they have been FUDGING the numbers since MARCH !!

HOW LONG is AMERICA going to CONTINUE to BELIEVE a Government, and an ADMINISTRATION, that has been LYING to us ALL ALONG ??

The U.S. economy added 818,000 fewer jobs from April 2023 through March this year than were originally reported, the government said Wednesday. The revised total adds to evidence that the job market has been steadily slowing and likely reinforces the Federal Reserve’s plan to start cutting interest rates soon.
 The Labor Department estimated that job growth averaged 174,000 a month in the year that ended in March — a drop of 68,000 a month from the 242,000 that were initially reported. The revisions released Wednesday were preliminary, with final numbers to be issued in February next year. ... en-slowing ... onomy.html ... -it-means/

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