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3 Sep 2024 2:44 pm
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1,870 posts
In an interview with Glenn Beck... she says she's a life long California Democrat... BUT that around 2016 she started to see that the Democrat Party was going off the tracks... she said she began to see a Democrat Party that LACKED: Morality, Principle, Honesty, Transparency, and feel ENTITLED... NOT to mention that they seemed to throw away principles... like the Bill of Rights, Free Speech, Weaponizing the Government, and have made the DNC a "GO ALONG" group... for the people who are in power...

Seems to me SHE is seeing a LOT of the same things that America is seeing !!

HOW MANY OTHER Democrats out there feel the same...  Feeling ABANDONED... and POWERLESS... with a Party that NO LONGER has the same PRIORITIES as they do !

Something to watch and consider, for Democrats who feel the same !!
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