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7 Sep 2024 12:53 pm
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Blackvegetable » 06 Sep 2024, 10:29 am » wrote: He's currently appealing 34 felony counts, a 490 million dollar judgment for fraud and another 95 million for sexual battery and defamation.
AND... the chances are VERY GOOD that EVERY SINGLE ONE of those "Felony Counts" will be DISMISSED on appeal...

WHAT'S More... America DOES NOT BELIEVE the Democrat BS... as the Democrats piled on MORE COUNTS, and MORE Trials. and MORE FAKE Convictions... Trump's poll numbers just continued to RISE... and the Democrats dropping Joe Biden as the candidate, and anointing Kamala Harris?  DID NOT CHANGE it...

Donald Trump is STILL in the lead... even though the Democrat FAKE NEWS Media is working "OVER TIME" trying to FAKE poll numbers to show a DIFFERENT result... it won't work !  ...AND THIS, with what America KNOWS is a WEAPONIZATION of the Federal Government AGAINST Donald Trump... will only act as a NEW SPIKE for Trumps poll numbers...
Updated 4 minutes ago
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